;if key machine=64k+, then uses the 64k+ mode If Key_machine CONTAINS(64k+) Add_CLP( /m64p) Else Add_CLP( /m64) End If ;----------------------------- ;if key color=fekete, then uses the black and white mode If Key_color CONTAINS(fekete) Add_CLP( /f) End If ;----------------------------- ;if file=filename, then adds the file name after the previously used ; /a paramter, so it seems to be "/a filename" If Key_file CONTAINS(*) Add_CLP( /a %file_value%) End If ;----------------------------- ; if gametype=DSK, then diks image, /a to autoload the file, ; if the emulator doesnot gets filename it uses "*" ; if the gametype=CRT then it is a cartridge, so add it then go ;----------------------------- If GameType CONTAINS(DSK) Add_CLP( %gamepath%\%gamefile%) ElseIf GameType CONTAINS(CRT) Add_CLP( /c %gamepath%\%gamefile%) ElseIf GameType CONTAINS(CAS) Add_CLP( %gamepath%\%gamefile%) ElseIf GameType CONTAINS(WAV) Add_CLP( %gamepath%\%gamefile%) ElseIf GameType CONTAINS(TTP) Add_CLP( %gamepath%\%gamefile%) Else Show_Message(Ez a fájltípus ebben az emulátorban parancssorból nem támogatott.) End If ;----------------------------- ; now its time to run emulator Run_Emulator()