You can customise most of the Graphics that appear in GameBase by replacing the default images with your own ones. The filenames in this folder must stay the same as the defaults (Below) for GameBase to recognise them. Currently it is possible to use your own images in place of the following defaults: - AboutScreen_120x200.gif This image is displayed in the 'GameBase' tab of the GameBase About Screen. It should be 120 pixels wide by 200 pixels tall (or the same x/y ratio but bigger/smaller). A different sized image will be stretched to fit in the designated area. Note: There is no default for this image, so if it does not exist, no image will be displayed. Startup_32x32.gif This image is displayed in the selector window when you start GameBase. This is the image that identifies your own database. It must be 32 pixels square and have a white (#FFFFFF) transparent background. This image is also used in the GB-Toolbox to represent your database. No_Picture_320x200.gif No_Picture_160x100.gif These images will be displayed when there is no picture available for the currently selected game. The 320x200 image is for when GameBase is in large-picture mode, the 160x100 image is for when GameBase is in small-picture mode (changable via the View menu in the main GameBase window). ListGameHasBoth_16x16.gif ListGameHasGame_16x16.gif ListGameHasMusic_16x16.gif ListGameHasNone_16x16.gif ListMusic_16x16.gif These are the icon images for games and music tunes in the main GameBase list. All these must have a mask colour of purple #FF00FF (the mask colour is the colour you want to be transparent when the imageis displayed). You should not save these images as transparent GIFs, as the mask colour (#FF00FF) is used to determinetransparency. All these images must be 16 pixels square. RecentMenuGame_13x13.gif RecentMenuMusic_13x13.gif These are the images that appear in the Recent Menu in the main GameBase window. They must be 13 pixels square and have a transparent colour of white (#FFFFFF). ClassicGame_16x11.gif This image is displayed in the game details tabs next to the game name, when the game is marked as a Classic. This image must be 16 pixels wide by 11 pixels tall. You can use a transparent GIF for this image. NoPrequel_13x11.gif NoSequel_13x11.gif NoRelated_13x11.gif Related_13x11.gif Sequel_13x11.gif Prequel_13x11.gif These are the small images that illustrate whether a game has been assigned a Prequel, Sequel and Related game link. These images appear in the top-right corner of the game details tabs. They must be 13 pixels wide by 11 pixels tall. You can use transparent GIFs for these images. VeryGoodRating_13x11.gif QuiteGoodRating_13x11.gif AverageRating_13x11.gif PoorRating_13x11.gif TerribleRating_13x11.gif UnknownRating_13x11.gif These images appear in the top-right corner of the game details tabs and represent the personal rating you gave the game. They must be 13 pixels wide by 11 pixels tall. You can use transparent GIFs for these images. GameTab1_16x16.gif GameTab2_16x16.gif GameTab3_16x16.gif GameTab4_16x16.gif GameTab5_16x16.gif MusicTab_16x16.gif These images are displayed in the caption headers of the game details tabs. They must be 16 pixels square. You can use transparent GIFs for these images. NoPhoto_100x100.gif This image is displayed when there is no photo selected for a musician. It should be 100 pixels square. PictureDown_15x10.gif PictureUp_15x10.gif These images are displayed in the corners of the game Pictures to tell you that there are more pictures to look at. They must be 15 pixels wide by 10 pixels tall. You can use transparent GIFs for these images.